Divorce Lawyers

Divorce attorney in Jasper, Pickens County,Georgia.

Divorce Lawyers Pickens County

As divorce lawyers in Jasper, GA we know that filing for divorce is a tough decision. Our divorce attorneys will work closely with you to find the best option for your situation. We offer services for legal separation, contested divorce, uncontested divorce, divorce mediation and arbitration. We are experts at managing divorces with children or a family-owned business.

Our Approach to Divorce

Our divorce and family law attorneys prefer a low-conflict approach. This serves to minimize stress and lower the cost of divorce. If necessary, we can litigate aggressively or represent you in a divorce trial. In any process, we will work diligently to protect your interests.

Our family law attorneys in Jasper serve clients across north Georgia. We believe that every divorce is as unique as the people involved. We know that people want answers to many questions and have a desire to know about potential outcomes. In this situation, having a consultation with a lawyer is among the best things you can do.

In your initial consultation we can have an open discussion to learn about your situation and goals. With a general understanding of the facts we can give you a good idea on what to expect. From there, you can make informed decisions for moving forward.

Planning a Divorce

Before filing for divorce, you should have a plan and exit strategy. We can develop temporary orders to give you some stability for new living arrangements, support payments, custody, visitation, and more. Your exit plan will play a pivotal role in getting you through the process.

Filing and Managing Your Case

We can prepare and file your petition for divorce or respond to a petition if you've been served divorce papers. We can manage every legal aspect of your divorce from divorce litigation to obtaining your final divorce decree. Our lawyers will get you through the process and on to a fresh start in life.

Full-Service Divorce Lawyers

  • Contested Divorce or Uncontested Divorce: A court battle is expensive and can be drawn out, so it may be in your best interests to try and resolve the divorce outside of court.
  • Divorce Mediation and Divorce Arbitration are alternative ways to get a divorce with less stress and lower costs.
  • Legal Separation, although not recognized as such in Georgia, can be accomplished with a Separate Maintenance Agreement. This allows you certain protections while you live apart without the finality of a divorce.
  • Child Custody & Visitation: We work with the parents to create a Parenting Plan that puts the children first while also being workable for the parents. Whether it is joint custody or sole custody with visitation rights, we understand the importance of this issue.
  • Property Division: Marital assets are divided fair and equitably in Georgia, which is not the same as 50-50.
  • Child Support: The state uses a formula that involves the gross income of both parents, the number of children and other unique factors.
  • Spousal Support: Also known as alimony, this may be permanent or temporary. It generally considers the age, education, work history and health of the spouse.
  • Modifications: We always strive to create comprehensive and binding arrangements, but not every issue is foreseeable.
  • Enforcement & Defense: We can take the case to court if there is an issue about support or other legally determined arrangements. We can also defend persons charged with contempt.

Get the help you need now. Contact an experienced divorce lawyer in Pickens County.

Call 706-253-3060 or contact us online.